Kanwar (Ken)  Kochar

Kanwar (Ken) Kochar


RE/MAX Gold Realty Inc., Brokerage *

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Kanwar (Ken) Kochar's blog

Things To Consider When Buying The Home For The First Time

Purchasing your first home is an energizing achievement, however the decision to

turn into a homeowner isn't one to mess with.

For many people, their house is their most important resource while their mortgage is

their biggest financial duty. Thus, you can't stand to commit first-time homebuyer

errors. The uplifting news is, maintaining a strategic distance from these mistakes is

How to choose Gas or Electric appliances

How to choose your appliances

Stoves & ovens

Your choice between a gas or electric stove and oven will depend on how picky you are about your cooking and which type is more convenient for you.

What’s cheaper / safer: gas or electric appliances?

What’s cheaper: gas or electric appliances?

Natural gas is almost always cheaper than electricity. Choosing all gas appliances can save you up to 30 percent on your utility bill. But while we all want to save on utility bills, there’s more money on the line than just utility costs.

Why Should I Repair My Credit?

Your credit history is more than just a number; it affects nearly every aspect of your financial life. If you are suffering from a low credit score, you're probably an excellent candidate for credit repair services.

Is Having No Credit As Risky As Having Bad Credit?

Let's clear up one misconception, right off the bat: having no credit is not the same as having bad credit. 'No credit' simply means that your credit history - which tracks your loans and repayments over the years - is empty, and your credit score is '0' as a result. But having 'bad credit' implies a credit history tarnished by late or missing payments on your existing loans.

Should You Borrow Money to Invest in Real Estate?

There's no disputing that real estate investment is one of the best business models for those looking to achieve long-term financial success. The one problem most would-be investors have, however, is the fact that real estate is a business with a high capital requirement. This leads many to borrow money to finance their real estate investments, a factor that can worry more conservative potential investors. So, should you use borrowed money to finance your first few real estate deals?

How to Use Debt Consolidation Loans Effectively and Safely

Visit almost any financial site on the web, or watch nearly any daytime TV channel, and you're likely to see advertisements promising that a consolidation loan can solve all your debt problems. There's no doubt that consolidation can be an effective way out of financial difficulties, but there are very real dangers involved. Done badly, it can turn a poor situation into a disastrous one. If you want to enjoy the financial freedom that debt consolidation can bring, it's important to bear the following points in mind before committing yourself.

5 Ways to Simplify Your Financial Life

No matter who you are or what you do for a living, it can seem like your bank statements, credit card receipts, and other financial documents are burying you alive. If you are struggling under the weight of all that paperwork and looking for a way out, there are things you can do to simplify your financial life without sacrificing your long-term goals. Here are five great ways to simplify your financial life.


Five Reasons Why You Should Have More Than One Bank Account

In today's tech world, being victimized by hackers can leave you penniless if you have only one bank account. The following five situations demonstrate how a having a backup account can keep you safe financially - and help you budget, too.

Five Rules For Improving Your Money Management Skills

Money management skills are important, no matter who you are. That's because money doesn't take care of itself -- and if you don't save, invest, and spend your money wisely, you'll undoubtedly suffer for it. With that in mind, here are a few rules on money management to take to heart.

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